Friday, October 24, 2014

Sharing the gospel

Sharing the gospel 
Is not preaching at
But preaching with
It is not an angel coming from on high
To command the people 
With stern authority
It is more like sharing the journey
More like Moses 
Who lived with the people
Than Gabriel 
Who appeared for a few moments
And was gone
As Paul said 
It is an offering of 
The very self
Not just words

Lord help me to share 
In that way 
From your Spirit

Thursday, October 16, 2014


"And you became imitators of us and of the Lord"
--1Thessalonians 1.6

When my sons were little
They imitated our facial expressions 
They imitated the way 
I ran and kicked a soccer ball
The way I shot a basketball
They imitated our speech 
And phrases, our tone of voice
Our gestures

We all need someone to imitate
We all become unique individuals
And ultimately, we look to the
Model of Christ
But we all need models of the faith
With flesh on
People who can show us 
The expressions, the patterns of speech
The gestures, skills, and action
Of a Jesus follower

That's one of the miracles 
Of the Jesus movement
He did not leave us alone
But by the power of the Holy Spirit
Left us people to help us learn
The Way

Who are you imitating today?
And who is imitating you?  

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

All praise

All praise to you
Brilliantly beautiful Father
All trophies laid at your feet
Pure loving Son
All glory to you
Terrible and mysterious Spirit

You search all things
You sift the hearts of mortals
To you belongs 
The far flung galaxies
Every single star
In the myriad expanse
Of the heavens
Every single atom in the Universe
Every proton, neutron, and electron
Glorifying you
By their very existence
Life force, power, unending motion

I only ask one thing
To behold your sheer brilliance
All the days of my life
And indeed forever more

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Wait on the Lord
Really, Lord?
But we're supposed to have things . . .
When Israel had to wait
On Moses
They cast a calf idol of gold

When we have to wait
We try to cast idols too
Idols that will speed things up

I was eating out at a nice restaurant
And the people behind me
Complained to the manager:
"We didn't enjoy our meal!"
"Why not?" the manager asked
"Because we told them
We had to eat in 30 minutes or less!
And they took longer!"

Can you eat a fine meal in 30 minutes or less?

O, Lord, help us wait on the fine meal
You are preparing for us
A meal of bounteous goodness,
Grace, and Love
Help us when we
Must . . .

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


"Who can detect their errors?"

O Lord, I am aware of my errors
My anger, my impatience
Saying ugly words 
Demanding my own way

But I'm sure there are 
Other sins that I am not aware of

As Julian did, 
I happily confess them to you

Happily because 
There is vacancy at the cross
For my sins
Happily because 
I can unload them from me
And lay them down at your feet
Happily because I'm tired of trying
To be good
And ready to have a
Justifying and sanctifying 
Injection of the Holy Spirit 

Purify me by your grace
Because my efforts are not enough
But you are all sufficient