Saturday, June 28, 2014

Welcome part 2

What does it mean
To really welcome the other
The way we have been welcomed 
In Christ
What does it mean 
To feed, to clothe, to water
The other
The way God has 
Fed, clothed, and watered us
What it means is simply this
I will meet you 
Exactly as you are
I will have a holy curiosity 
To create space 
To know you 
And to be known by you
I'll put judgment 
On the shelf
And pull out the chair for you
So you can join the feast
What you do with this welcome 
Is up to you
But the welcome itself 
Is up to me
Sit down, rest a while
And enjoy connection
For this is the kingdom
Of our Lord

Friday, June 27, 2014


I love these early mornings
The sweet perfume 
Of an early morning rain
The busy chirping of the birds
The songbird's refrain
There's a symphony going on
To the thunder of the chicken trucks
To the buzzing of the early bee
God is speaking
Can you hear?

Right and wrong

Blah blah blah 
Yady yady yady
I'm so sick and tired of
I'm right and you're wrong
I'm so sick of the arguing, debating,
Demonizing, and strategizing
It's enough for me
To try to live in 
The Creator's world
With some sense of harmony 
And peace
It's enough for me to live in this world
Just meeting people where they are 
It's enough for me 
To confess and repent of my own sin
Rather than to put you through a trial
For yours
I'm not the judge
I'm not the jury
I'm just a traveler like you
On the journey
Finding my way
So why don't we join hands
And quit the fighting
And worrying about who can win the next point
Why don't we just 
Ponder the majesty of the trees
And the wonder of 
Ants building their sand empires
Why don't we live in peace

Thursday, June 26, 2014


The table is set
The wine is poured
For the holy meal
And there is space for you and for me
There is space for the holy other
There is space for the broken and the lost
The confused and the proud
There is space for the one
Who doesn't think they deserve to be there
And for the folk who think they own the place
At the table of our Lord
There is room for all

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

And God said

And God said 
Let there be light
Let there be a dome in the sky
Let there be dry ground
Let there be lights in the sky
Let there be plants and trees to cover the earth
Let there be swarms of sea creatures 
And birds to soar in the sky
Cattle and creeping things
Horses and rabbits
And lions and deer
And snakes and elephants
And giraffes and great apes
And buffalo and lizards
And ants and spiders
You name it
And finally
Let there be man and woman
Made in the image of God
In God's very image
To fill the earth 
And subdue it 
And God said . . .

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


"I will sing to The Lord
As long as I live"

Help me to
Sing your song, O Lord

I may sing a little flat sometimes
I might miss my cue

But I long to join my voice 
with the billions

I long to join my voice 
With the saints 

And apostles 
And prophets

I long to join my voice
With the thief on the cross

And the woman at the well
And the woman caught in adultery

I long to join my voice
With Zacchaeus and Nicodemus

With the prodigal son
And the bridesmaids

I long to join my voice
With Origen and Augustine 

I long to join my voice
With Patrick and Teresa 

On what a beautiful
Sound we will make

In the fullness
Of your kingdom

In your paradise
Of living water

And trees
Of the garden
I long to sing
To you, O Lord

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Love exploded on the scene
Power and fire poured out
And humans couldn't 
Contain it
It overflowed 
Like a mighty river
God's river of justice
And grace and passion
And majesty and creativity
It was like the 
Eighth day of creation
Like the day of resurrection
It was fire and tongues
And wind, ruach, Spirit
Hovering over the dark abyss 
Of grace divine
Pour out that same Spirit 
On me
And take me 
Out of my head
And into your heart