Friday, May 30, 2014


There is an inborn resistance to repentance
It says "I'm ok just as I am
I don't need anyone or anything
I can make it if I just
Actualize my potential
I don't need a God or a Jesus 
I'm ok just as I am
There's no such thing as sin
Just leave me alone
And let me live my life"

Well Jesus sure 
Wasted a whole lotta blood
On the cross
If that's the case

I do need you Lord
Every day
I'm not perfect
I have messed up
I have sinned
For the sake of Jesus Christ 
Forgive me 
Restore your image in me
For you are the only one 
Who can

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Devoted to prayer

The early ones
To prayer
And they received
Power to witness
Power to heal
Power to teach
Power to make disciples
Help me to be devoted
To prayer
Devoted to you 
Great Lord
That I may receive 
That same power
To yield a huge crop 
In your kingdom

Thursday, May 22, 2014


You're always sowing seeds 
In my life
Seeds of redemption
Seeds of righteousness
Seeds of extravagant generosity
Seeds of wonder
Seeds of creativity
I pray that
The soil of my heart
Is tilled and ready to receive 
Those precious seeds
And that 
Your sun-grace will shine
And your rain-grace will 
Gently fall
Upon my field forevermore

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I don't want to suffer 

In fact 
I don't know anyone who does

Even Jesus 
Didn't want to suffer

What does it mean, this suffering

Is it just part of 
The fallen world we live in

Is it 
A teacher

If so, I will try
To learn the lessons

That are more plain
In the midst of suffering

As long as
You stay with me

But still Lord,
I don't want to suffer

Monday, May 19, 2014


"I will pay you my vows"
Because I owe you everything

Life, love, learning
Beginning, beauty, boldness

You are the source
You are the genesis, the now, and the revelation of eternity

May I spend the rest of my days
In complete devotion 

Because you are the one and only
"I will pay you my vows"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

no one

brother david said, “who is like you, o God?”
no one, indeed!

everyone else i know
has their own hangups, including me

but you, you in your holiness and perfection
came to earth clean and faultless

you fused divinity and humanity
God and man

in an impossible merger
a merger that broke all the rules of biology, physics, and chemistry

how? how? how?
 . . . . it’s a mystery!

i can’t say that you are 
50% God and 50% man

no, that would be wrong
you are the perfect embodiment and spirit of both

as i ponder the mystery
all i can say, with david, is

no one is like you,

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A place

I'm looking for a place to call . . . home
I don't know how to get there

I don't know the turns
Or do I?

The way to get there 
Is not shown on a map

It can't be plotted 
By a gps

No, the way 
Is defined by a relationship

A relationship
With the God Man

He'll give me the turns
Step by step, mile by mile

That's the only way
To get home . . . through Him

I'm looking for a place to call . . . home
And Jesus is the way

Thursday, May 8, 2014


I hear that sheep
Are not very smart
They do things like walk off cliffs
But one thing about sheep
They listen to the shepherd's voice
They know it, they respond to it
Have I listened today
To the shepherd's voice
Or am I listening to other voices
Voices that promise power and prestige
Voices that promise status
Voices that use others
Voices that value possessions and popularity
Hearken my heart
To the shepherd's voice
Once again
For the shepherd speaks
If only I will listen

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The voice

So many voices in the world
Each telling me something different
How can I hear your voice
How can I tune in to the one voice
I will quiet myself
Open your book
And listen
As I do, the other voices fade
And your still, small voice
Clearly speaks grace and truth

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Your word endures forever
What does that mean for my life
It means you are not silent
Across the vast expanse of the universe
From the dark recesses of infinity
You speak

I am not left to wonder
Who you are and what you are like
I am not left to wonder 
What you command
Or how you 
Designed life

I have your word
I can hide it in my heart
I can talk about it on the 
Highways and byways of life
I delight in it
Making it my highest joy 

You have made us
People of the word
You have made us literate
Given us the gift of language
The gift of the word
To make us human

With your word
You spoke light 
Into the dark chaos
With your word
You spoke from the cross
It is finished

Blessed be your word
That never changes
Your word that
Guides, directs, challenges, and corrects
Your word that gives life
Your word that endures forever

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Am I devoted to you
Like you're devoted to me
Do I think about you
Night and day
Do I speak to you
And share my deepest pain
Do I share my joys and celebrations
Do I listen to your heart
Do I delight in your law
Are you the first One I think of
When I awake
And the last One I think of
Before I fall asleep
Do you define my life
And who I'm called to be
And when I take my 
Last breath on earth
Will I commend my spirit into your hands
Am I devoted to you
Like you're devoted to me