Saturday, December 27, 2014


Evolving is never easy
It stretches everything
Especially your faith
What does it feel like
To shed your skin
To walk for the first time and fall
How does the bird feel 
The first time she takes flight
Evolving is never easy

Light shows up

Light shows up 
In the most unexpected places

In a daughter 
Binding up a mother's wound

In a child
Singing carols with passion

In laughter shared
Among cousins

In a simple gift
From child to parent

In the return of the king
In total darkness

Yes, light shows up
In the most unexpected places

Friday, December 12, 2014


"When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion
We were like those who dream"

What has the Lord restored 
In your life?
What broken pieces
Has he mended back together
What new insights and wisdom 
Has he gifted you with

The great promise of God
Is restoration
Of Creation
Of the Cosmos

And one of the miracles
Is that it comes
Through a helpless infant
Born in Bethlehem
One that must be held 
And fed and bathed

What a wonderfully strange way
To save the world!
What a bizarre way 
To show the vulnerability
Of the Lover of our souls

And this is how restoration comes
Come, Lord Jesus, Come

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


What a shock! 
the neighborhood
seemed dark lately
 . . . really dark
what with all the violence,
arguing, injustice, disorder,
it’s not that
nothing good ever happened
it’s just that the dark
seemed to overshadow
the light

but sometimes I wonder
is the dark necessary?
not that violence, arguing, injustice, and disorder
are good
but do they make up the canvass that
peace, unity, justice, and order
must be painted upon?

you see, I can’t know the first things
except by faith
when I was born, my first sound was a cry
crying to enter this grey world
leaving the dark comfort of the womb
close to my mother’s heart

you see, dark is not always bad
one of the loneliest places on earth
is the never ending fluorescent universe
of a big box store
never changing,
never dimming,
never dark
always light,
but filled with a superficial light
a light that pales and blinds
a light that doesn’t hold a candle
to the Real Light

And that Light
Shines in the darkness and
the darkness couldn’t put it out
not now, not ever
not a washed out fluorescent light
but a warm, piercing, glow
from the inside out

maybe that Light
shines brighter in the dark?

I want that kind of light
to shine in me,
O Christ! 
come once again and shine! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


"Blessed are those
Who are invited 
To the wedding feast
Of the Lamb"

The best thing 
Is to be invited

To be welcomed
To the party

The best thing
Is to be noticed

To be included
To be valued

How blessed
We are

For we have been



Tuesday, November 4, 2014


When tragedies happen
We all try to make sense of it
Did someone sin?
Was it punishment?
Was the shooter mentally ill?
Was the girl texting and driving?
Was the rapist possessed?
Did she simply not see the truck coming?

But even when we've answered 
The questions
It's still not enough
It's not satisfying
There's still an empty place
A grief

And all my years of training
My degrees, my ordination
Cannot protect me from the grief
My position as an ordained pastor
Does not shield me from
Tragedy and pain
Even though I want it to

With all my sisters and brothers
I simply must say,
"I just don't know why"
"Lord have mercy, 
Christ have mercy,
Lord have mercy!"

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sharing the gospel

Sharing the gospel 
Is not preaching at
But preaching with
It is not an angel coming from on high
To command the people 
With stern authority
It is more like sharing the journey
More like Moses 
Who lived with the people
Than Gabriel 
Who appeared for a few moments
And was gone
As Paul said 
It is an offering of 
The very self
Not just words

Lord help me to share 
In that way 
From your Spirit

Thursday, October 16, 2014


"And you became imitators of us and of the Lord"
--1Thessalonians 1.6

When my sons were little
They imitated our facial expressions 
They imitated the way 
I ran and kicked a soccer ball
The way I shot a basketball
They imitated our speech 
And phrases, our tone of voice
Our gestures

We all need someone to imitate
We all become unique individuals
And ultimately, we look to the
Model of Christ
But we all need models of the faith
With flesh on
People who can show us 
The expressions, the patterns of speech
The gestures, skills, and action
Of a Jesus follower

That's one of the miracles 
Of the Jesus movement
He did not leave us alone
But by the power of the Holy Spirit
Left us people to help us learn
The Way

Who are you imitating today?
And who is imitating you?  

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

All praise

All praise to you
Brilliantly beautiful Father
All trophies laid at your feet
Pure loving Son
All glory to you
Terrible and mysterious Spirit

You search all things
You sift the hearts of mortals
To you belongs 
The far flung galaxies
Every single star
In the myriad expanse
Of the heavens
Every single atom in the Universe
Every proton, neutron, and electron
Glorifying you
By their very existence
Life force, power, unending motion

I only ask one thing
To behold your sheer brilliance
All the days of my life
And indeed forever more

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Wait on the Lord
Really, Lord?
But we're supposed to have things . . .
When Israel had to wait
On Moses
They cast a calf idol of gold

When we have to wait
We try to cast idols too
Idols that will speed things up

I was eating out at a nice restaurant
And the people behind me
Complained to the manager:
"We didn't enjoy our meal!"
"Why not?" the manager asked
"Because we told them
We had to eat in 30 minutes or less!
And they took longer!"

Can you eat a fine meal in 30 minutes or less?

O, Lord, help us wait on the fine meal
You are preparing for us
A meal of bounteous goodness,
Grace, and Love
Help us when we
Must . . .

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


"Who can detect their errors?"

O Lord, I am aware of my errors
My anger, my impatience
Saying ugly words 
Demanding my own way

But I'm sure there are 
Other sins that I am not aware of

As Julian did, 
I happily confess them to you

Happily because 
There is vacancy at the cross
For my sins
Happily because 
I can unload them from me
And lay them down at your feet
Happily because I'm tired of trying
To be good
And ready to have a
Justifying and sanctifying 
Injection of the Holy Spirit 

Purify me by your grace
Because my efforts are not enough
But you are all sufficient 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


It seems like such 
An old fashioned word
And even one that 
Hits our post modern ears
As negative
After all, modernity
Freed us from
The oppressive authority
Of those who were
The modern revolution 
Was to be your own authority

But after a century of that
Many realize that
Self is not the best authority
We need something (Someone)
Beyond self
No, we don't want to go back
To having to obey oppressors
The real authority
We need to turn to 
Is Jesus
In him we find real authority
That is love, grace, and truth

O Lord save us from
False and abusive authority
And pseudo authority
Help us look to you
From whom true life springs

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New day

There's always a back to Egypt committee
And sometimes it is my own voice 
That cries for that
The past can seem so pristine
So perfect, so ideal

Yet The Lord calls us 
To a new day
New experiences
New blessings
And yes new challenges

O Lord, help us embrace
This new day
Your new way
And your new call
May your grace 
Be sufficient
For whatever
We face today 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Triumphant celebration

"I will sing to The Lord
For he has triumphed gloriously"

How often do you celebrate
I mean really take up the tambourine
And dance for joy

Don't say well, there's really 
Nothing to celebrate
Are you alive?
Are you breathing?
Did the sun rise this morning?

I too am sometimes so filled 
With the worries of life
The burden of pain
The cynicism of the earth
That I forget to celebrate

Lord forgive us when we forget
To celebrate life 
Your blessings 
And most of all
Just who you are

Get ready to rock
Start the dance
"Celebrate good times
Come on!"

Monday, September 8, 2014


After The Lord led Israel
Through the sea
Moses,the one who
Couldn't speak in front of people
Launches into song
In front of the whole nation

And that is what the Spirit does
The one who does not speak sings
The one who is downcast rejoices
The one who is in despair finds hope
The one who is bored
Finds enthusiasm for Jesus

The creation, that was locked in darkness
Has the glorious light of God
Shatter the darkness
And all is made new

Friday, August 29, 2014

Evil and good

"Do not be overcome 
By evil, but overcome evil
With good"

I witnessed a fight yesterday
At a restaurant
Oh, it wasn't a fist fight
Just a verbal one
But it was ugly
An argument about
The tea being bad
And I thought wow
All this fuss over tea?
No wonder they can't 
Get along in Jerusalem!

But "vengeance is mine
I will repay" says The Lord 
And "so far as it depends on you
Live at peace with everyone"

We love a good fight
We human creatures
Some of us are looking for one 
All the time

Of course overcoming evil 
With good is impossible
Without God
And Christian community
(The church)
Even then it's no cake walk

O Lord, this is one of your
Hardest commands
Help us pray enough
And love each other enough
And let your Spirit dwell in us enough
To live this peace
That you offer to us

In the name of the One 
Who brings peace

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The wound

Pull deeper into the wound
And you will be healed
Go deeper into the dark night 
And you will see the light
Dive deeper into the
Pain and sorrow of life
And you will find joy
Walk further into the dark valley 
And there you will meet the Messiah
Cause you don't find salvation
By putting on a brave face
But by laying your brokenness 
At the feet of Jesus

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


"You are the Messiah!"

 Jesus, I didn't even really know
I needed a Messiah
Until your Word dawned on me
I didn't really know 
That I needed saving
Until I hit the dark valley
I didn't even know 
That there was a new life
Until you crashed into 
My old one
Praise you for indeed
You are not just
The Messiah
You are my Messiah

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Your brother

"I am your brother" 
Joseph proclaimed

To a bunch of fratricidal maniacs
Of course they didn't really kill Joseph
They just excised him from the family

Though they broke connection
Though they divorced their brother
Joseph still claimed them as kin

My brothers and sisters 
Never sold me for a slave
But they've certainly failed me before

As I have failed them
Do I have the grace to still say
"I am your brother"

I sure hope so
Cause I'm counting on them
To do the same

This crazy group of siblings
Vying for favor from Dad
Vying for power and position

Even so, can we live together?
Are the walls big enough
In this house?

Is the love big enough
In the walls
Of our hearts?

I sure hope so,

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dream the dream


You imagined the whole universe 
With all it's intricacies
From the expanse of galaxies
To the fine geometric patterns
Of a spider's web

From massive red giants
To the beauty of a DNA strain
From Jupiter to the tiny ants 
crawling on my front porch 

How do you dream dreams 
Like that?
Teach me to listen
To the dreams you place in my heart

Monday, August 4, 2014


"He is mindful of his covenant forever
Of the word that he commanded 
For a thousand generations"

Who makes a promise 
That lasts forever?
Promises and contracts 
Are broken everyday
In this world
Brother betrays brother
Wife betrays husband
Husband betrays wife

God is not like a human
The Lord is not full of irony
And mixed motives
The Soverign does not
Blow with the wind
Yahweh is not moody and fickle

A thousand generations
His promise will last
(That means forever)

Have you ever known 
Love like that?

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Can all of life be presence?
Can every corner of the earth
Be presence?
Can even the darkness
Be presence?

Sunshine and rain
Shiny Mountaintop and dark valley
Bliss and pain
Love and hate
Genesis and the End

This I know 
I cannot go 
So high or low
Deep or wide 
That You are not there

Your presence 

Friday, July 11, 2014

No condemnation

No condemnation
Your sentence is reprieved 
No condemnation
You can come into the home
And dwell in all it's luxury 
No condemnation
The ones who 
Ignored you, abused you, made fun of you,
Turned up their noses
Now welcome you 
And offer you grace instead of scorn
No condemnation
The mistakes you've made
No longer haunt you
They are as far away
As east is from west
So, come on in!
Come to the table
And feast
With the One
Who made you
And all the children
Of the One True King

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Flesh and Spirit

Flesh and Spirit
These two kingdoms
At war within me
The truth is the war has already been won
But somehow there are holdouts
Somehow there are residual effects
Somehow there's still a conscious choice
To be made each day
Somehow I have to yield my life
To the Spirit
And somehow through the miracle of grace
I can live as one victorious
A child of the one true

Monday, July 7, 2014


"Turn to me and be gracious to me
For I am lonely and afflicted"
Nouwen writes that loneliness
Is the universal experience
No matter what we do
How many parties we attend
How many people we surround ourselves with
We are still afflicted with loneliness
But this is actually not a bad thing!
Believe it or not
This loneliness, this emptiness 
That afflicts us is a reminder
A beacon 
To our most basic longing
To be connected to our loving Creator
This loneliness can actually
Be a trusted companion 
To invite us into the presence 
Of the Holy Other
Of course the way of loneliness
Is dangerous
It is a cliff edge
It is a sharp precipice
But The Lord is there
If we harken to his gentle voice 
He will lead us and 
Welcome us into this holy space
That starts with a feeling of loneliness
A deep sense that there must be
Something more
And thank God
There is!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


You can't always do what you want
Is the answer to try harder
Or to surrender to a higher power
Knowing that the higher power 
Is not the power of sin
No the higher power 
Is the power of Jesus
He is the one who can set us free
From all that entangles
Our feet and trips us up
I don't really understand grace 
But one thing I know
Looking at the cross
It's got to be deeper and wider 
And higher and longer
And thicker and stronger
Than I can possibly imagine

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Welcome part 2

What does it mean
To really welcome the other
The way we have been welcomed 
In Christ
What does it mean 
To feed, to clothe, to water
The other
The way God has 
Fed, clothed, and watered us
What it means is simply this
I will meet you 
Exactly as you are
I will have a holy curiosity 
To create space 
To know you 
And to be known by you
I'll put judgment 
On the shelf
And pull out the chair for you
So you can join the feast
What you do with this welcome 
Is up to you
But the welcome itself 
Is up to me
Sit down, rest a while
And enjoy connection
For this is the kingdom
Of our Lord

Friday, June 27, 2014


I love these early mornings
The sweet perfume 
Of an early morning rain
The busy chirping of the birds
The songbird's refrain
There's a symphony going on
To the thunder of the chicken trucks
To the buzzing of the early bee
God is speaking
Can you hear?

Right and wrong

Blah blah blah 
Yady yady yady
I'm so sick and tired of
I'm right and you're wrong
I'm so sick of the arguing, debating,
Demonizing, and strategizing
It's enough for me
To try to live in 
The Creator's world
With some sense of harmony 
And peace
It's enough for me to live in this world
Just meeting people where they are 
It's enough for me 
To confess and repent of my own sin
Rather than to put you through a trial
For yours
I'm not the judge
I'm not the jury
I'm just a traveler like you
On the journey
Finding my way
So why don't we join hands
And quit the fighting
And worrying about who can win the next point
Why don't we just 
Ponder the majesty of the trees
And the wonder of 
Ants building their sand empires
Why don't we live in peace

Thursday, June 26, 2014


The table is set
The wine is poured
For the holy meal
And there is space for you and for me
There is space for the holy other
There is space for the broken and the lost
The confused and the proud
There is space for the one
Who doesn't think they deserve to be there
And for the folk who think they own the place
At the table of our Lord
There is room for all

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

And God said

And God said 
Let there be light
Let there be a dome in the sky
Let there be dry ground
Let there be lights in the sky
Let there be plants and trees to cover the earth
Let there be swarms of sea creatures 
And birds to soar in the sky
Cattle and creeping things
Horses and rabbits
And lions and deer
And snakes and elephants
And giraffes and great apes
And buffalo and lizards
And ants and spiders
You name it
And finally
Let there be man and woman
Made in the image of God
In God's very image
To fill the earth 
And subdue it 
And God said . . .

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


"I will sing to The Lord
As long as I live"

Help me to
Sing your song, O Lord

I may sing a little flat sometimes
I might miss my cue

But I long to join my voice 
with the billions

I long to join my voice 
With the saints 

And apostles 
And prophets

I long to join my voice
With the thief on the cross

And the woman at the well
And the woman caught in adultery

I long to join my voice
With Zacchaeus and Nicodemus

With the prodigal son
And the bridesmaids

I long to join my voice
With Origen and Augustine 

I long to join my voice
With Patrick and Teresa 

On what a beautiful
Sound we will make

In the fullness
Of your kingdom

In your paradise
Of living water

And trees
Of the garden
I long to sing
To you, O Lord

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Love exploded on the scene
Power and fire poured out
And humans couldn't 
Contain it
It overflowed 
Like a mighty river
God's river of justice
And grace and passion
And majesty and creativity
It was like the 
Eighth day of creation
Like the day of resurrection
It was fire and tongues
And wind, ruach, Spirit
Hovering over the dark abyss 
Of grace divine
Pour out that same Spirit 
On me
And take me 
Out of my head
And into your heart

Friday, May 30, 2014


There is an inborn resistance to repentance
It says "I'm ok just as I am
I don't need anyone or anything
I can make it if I just
Actualize my potential
I don't need a God or a Jesus 
I'm ok just as I am
There's no such thing as sin
Just leave me alone
And let me live my life"

Well Jesus sure 
Wasted a whole lotta blood
On the cross
If that's the case

I do need you Lord
Every day
I'm not perfect
I have messed up
I have sinned
For the sake of Jesus Christ 
Forgive me 
Restore your image in me
For you are the only one 
Who can

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Devoted to prayer

The early ones
To prayer
And they received
Power to witness
Power to heal
Power to teach
Power to make disciples
Help me to be devoted
To prayer
Devoted to you 
Great Lord
That I may receive 
That same power
To yield a huge crop 
In your kingdom

Thursday, May 22, 2014


You're always sowing seeds 
In my life
Seeds of redemption
Seeds of righteousness
Seeds of extravagant generosity
Seeds of wonder
Seeds of creativity
I pray that
The soil of my heart
Is tilled and ready to receive 
Those precious seeds
And that 
Your sun-grace will shine
And your rain-grace will 
Gently fall
Upon my field forevermore

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I don't want to suffer 

In fact 
I don't know anyone who does

Even Jesus 
Didn't want to suffer

What does it mean, this suffering

Is it just part of 
The fallen world we live in

Is it 
A teacher

If so, I will try
To learn the lessons

That are more plain
In the midst of suffering

As long as
You stay with me

But still Lord,
I don't want to suffer

Monday, May 19, 2014


"I will pay you my vows"
Because I owe you everything

Life, love, learning
Beginning, beauty, boldness

You are the source
You are the genesis, the now, and the revelation of eternity

May I spend the rest of my days
In complete devotion 

Because you are the one and only
"I will pay you my vows"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

no one

brother david said, “who is like you, o God?”
no one, indeed!

everyone else i know
has their own hangups, including me

but you, you in your holiness and perfection
came to earth clean and faultless

you fused divinity and humanity
God and man

in an impossible merger
a merger that broke all the rules of biology, physics, and chemistry

how? how? how?
 . . . . it’s a mystery!

i can’t say that you are 
50% God and 50% man

no, that would be wrong
you are the perfect embodiment and spirit of both

as i ponder the mystery
all i can say, with david, is

no one is like you,