Yady yady yady
I'm so sick and tired of
I'm right and you're wrong
I'm so sick of the arguing, debating,
Demonizing, and strategizing
It's enough for me
To try to live in
The Creator's world
With some sense of harmony
And peace
It's enough for me to live in this world
Just meeting people where they are
It's enough for me
To confess and repent of my own sin
Rather than to put you through a trial
For yours
I'm not the judge
I'm not the jury
I'm just a traveler like you
On the journey
Finding my way
So why don't we join hands
And quit the fighting
And worrying about who can win the next point
Why don't we just
Ponder the majesty of the trees
And the wonder of
Ants building their sand empires
Why don't we live in peace
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