Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Great Gatherer

“ Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, and from the west I will gather you”—Isaiah 43.5 (nrsv)

I will gather you
A simple promise
But something
That changes history

How scattered we are
In our different 
Motives and agendas

How scattered
In our theological camps
And denominational towers
And political think tanks

How scattered
In our individual quests
For power and recognition 
When what we are 
Really hungry for 
Is simply love and acceptance 

But the Great Gatherer
Is coming
In fact, his agents
Are already at work

Can you see it?
Even now 
He is bringing the loose pieces of yarn

Even now, he is weaving
An exquisite tapestry
Of love, mercy, and grace

O, Great Gatherer,
Weave me
And my loved ones
And my neighbors
And even my enemies
Into your exquisite  tapestry
The one that covers 
All creation
The one that brings