There’s a candle burning in my heart
It wants to touch the Holy
It wants to commune with
That which is immaterial
That which is Spirit only
There’s a candle burning in my heart
That wants to embrace another
With flesh on
To commune with brother and sister
In the unity of the Spirit
There’s a candle burning in my heart
That is weary of the politics
Of ungrace
That is tired of power and lust and
abuse and injustice and violence
There’s a candle burning in my heart
That sees the beauty of the
Full Moon shining in the early morning
And knows that is Real
There’s a candle burning in my heart
That encounters the cat purring
The dog giving kisses
The red tailed hawk in flight
And knows that is Real
There’s a candle burning in my heart
That feels the rise of the wave
It’s swell and rapid crash
Foam and Force
And knows that is Real
There’s a candle burning in my heart
That knows that the ads aren’t real
The airbrushed, over-produced
Hip-Hop Star isn’t Real
The buttoned down, makeup
Black suit, starch white shirt, red tie
Politician who promises the Moon
And instead delivers another law for
the attorneys and judges to fight over
And lies through his teeth
He isn’t Real
The violence of retribution
The embracing of division and tribal
It isn’t Real
There’s a candle burning in my heart
That knows that only God is Real
And whatever He has touched in this
And whatever He has given the Gift of
Ruach (Breath-Spirit-Life)
There’s a candle burning in my heart
That holds out for the Real
And spits the Un-Real out of my mouth
There’s a candle burning in my heart