Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Darkness and Light

All sufficient Grace
When I stand in your Presence
I am blinded by your light
I must close my eyes and
Feel your burning warmth 
On my face 

Lead me out of the present darkness
Into your perfect light
I have journeyed
Into the heart of my darkness

And now, O Glory!
I come into your 
Radiant Light
Give me respite
From the dark journey

That I may come at last
To the side of your manger
And adore with the wise ones
And contemplate 
As the Virgin
And encounter
The Very Light of the World

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Not me but you . . .

“Hold fast . . . because He who has promised is faithful.”

Not my faithfulness
But yours, O Christ
Not my achievements
But your grace
Not my work
But your work in me
Not my agenda
But your Kingdom
Not me
But you,
eternally you! 

Friday, October 30, 2015

A candle burning

There’s a candle burning in my heart
It wants to touch the Holy
It wants to commune with
That which is immaterial
That which is Spirit only

There’s a candle burning in my heart
That wants to embrace another
With flesh on
To commune with brother and sister
In the unity of the Spirit

There’s a candle burning in my heart
That is weary of the politics
Of ungrace
That is tired of power and lust and abuse and injustice and violence

There’s a candle burning in my heart
That sees the beauty of the
Full Moon shining in the early morning
And knows that is Real

There’s a candle burning in my heart
That encounters the cat purring
The dog giving kisses
The red tailed hawk in flight
And knows that is Real

There’s a candle burning in my heart
That feels the rise of the wave
It’s swell and rapid crash
Foam and Force
And knows that is Real

There’s a candle burning in my heart
That knows that the ads aren’t real
The airbrushed, over-produced
Hip-Hop Star isn’t Real
The buttoned down, makeup
Black suit, starch white shirt, red tie
Politician who promises the Moon
And instead delivers another law for the attorneys and judges to fight over
And lies through his teeth
He isn’t Real
The violence of retribution
The embracing of division and tribal fighting
It isn’t Real

There’s a candle burning in my heart
That knows that only God is Real
And whatever He has touched in this Creation
And whatever He has given the Gift of Ruach (Breath-Spirit-Life)

There’s a candle burning in my heart
That holds out for the Real
And spits the Un-Real out of my mouth

There’s a candle burning in my heart

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The glorious cross

I sit this morning in front of the crucifix
I ponder the Passion of our Lord
His outstretched arms
Reaching from one end of the universe
To the other
His hands, nailed with blood running down
The blood of God
Poured out for God’s people
Blood that is pure and undefiled
The Life-Blood of the Son of God
What is it worth?
How priceless it is!

His arms stretched to the breaking point
His shoulders pulled out of joint
From the weight of the sins of the cosmos
Bearing down
How much do the sins of the cosmos weigh?

His arms, wide enough to embrace me tenderly
As my Brother-God
As my Lord-God
As my Savior-God
How can it be that God calls me brother, friend?
It is too mysterious for me to analyze
It is too huge for me to lift
It is too complex for three and a half pounds of mortal brain

His naked body stretched out
With feet nailed
Feet that walked the length and breadth
Of Galilee
Feet that walked into
The Temple of God
Feet that walked dusty roads
To forgotten people
And brought . . .
More blood running down
How freely He gave his blood
How freely He gave his body
How freely He gave his Spirit

His head bowed and at peace
His work
His precious head, with all the knowledge and wisdom of God
In one head
All the compassion and love of God
On one face
All the joy of the smile of God
On one mouth
All the grief of a Loving God
In the tears in his eyes

In his face I see the understanding
Of One who has suffered
One who left the glory of heaven
To incarnate into my suffering and pain
And joy and happiness
One who united himself to me
On the splintery cross
One who loved to the max
One who gave all
So that I could be free

Oh glorious cross
Primordial symbol
Of Who God is
Of What God is like
Of Why God made us
Of How God redeemed us
Of When History was cracked in two

Oh glorious cross
I will cling to you
All my days
Because in your splintery beams
I transcend the world that is passing away before my eys
In your splintery beams
I see that God’s Grace
Extends High and Low
Deep and Wide
It reaches the far corners
Of the Universe

Even into the dark corners
Of my heart
Oh, Praise to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Who lives and reigns, One God, Forever and Ever!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Christ is risen!

Crow calling out
Caaa Caaa 
Wren sings the prelude
Bee buzzing around
Rooster joins the chorus
Car comes barreling by
Like a wave crashing on the ocean
Mule moans out the bridge
And in the background
The crickets fill the void
Like 151 violins
Quietly holding a note

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


“Wisdom cries out in the street; in the squares she raises her voice.”

so how do you discern wisdom
in a culture of never-ending

how do you discern wisdom
in a make believe world where all you have to do
is create a blog and suddenly you’re an expert?

how do you discern wisdom
when the elders are regarded as stupid
and the Church is tossed on the garbage heap along with every other “institution?”

how do you discern wisdom
when the newest is always the best
and the “newest” is old in ten minutes?

my hunch is that wisdom is not that different
than it always has been
there’s always been enthusiasm for the latest model

there’s always been fascination with the new idea
there’s always been Adam and Eve’s constant quest
for novelty

as Julian said,
“haste is ever the sin of Adam”

Lord, help me slow down
and listen to wisdom
help me hear her calling out

in the midst of the din of insane
violence and fighting
in the midst of “do this, do that!”

help me turn the pages once again
and listen to the words beneath the words
and gaze into the eyes of those

who have weathered the storms
and come through
wiser, stronger, and more at peace

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

the forests

the forests are
the last great hope
for humanity

the forests have
become the last place

that we can
the voice of

with all the buzz
with all the noise
with all the voices

with all the blah, blah, blah
with all the yelling
with all the screaming,

with all the hitting
with all the shoving,
with all the shooting

the forests are
the last great hope
for humanity

Saturday, August 22, 2015

i am stuck

i am stuck somewhere

i am stuck somewhere

i am stuck somewhere
this world
the next

i am stuck somewhere
your eyes
the open sky

i am stuck

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


So Jesus asked the twelve, "Do you also wish to go away?"

The truth of God is hard
It ruptures our little bubbles

It overturns our systems of sin
It breaks in on our party

“The system is just fine, Jesus!
Let us sleep!
After all the day has just begun.
We've plenty of time!”

But Jesus knows
He knows we're comfortable

He knows we're numb 
From a crazy world

And still he calls,
“Will you trust?
Will you follow?


“Do you also wish
To go away?”

Friday, July 31, 2015


It's hard for me to understand
People who don't
Understand poetry

I think it's because
They live on Mars and
I live on Venus 

I think it's because
Equations are important to them
And facts
And figures
And sales reports
And surveys 

You see
For me, there are  not 
Facts or figures
There are  sunrises
And orange
And red
And a million shades
Of white and gray

For me, there is mystery and Grace
Not measurements and temperatures
How do you measure a kiss?
How do you quantify a dance?
How do you test a full moon?

It's hard for me to understand
People who don't 
Understand poetry

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


“This is my commandment, that you love one another.”

So many rules
So many laws
So many directions
So much software
And apps
And programs
And forms to fill out

And Jesus made it so simple

Some days I forget 
That it's all about love
Some days
I'm satisfied
Just keeping the rules
Filling out the forms
Sticking with the program

And suddenly
My eyes open
And I see an opportunity 
To love, I mean to really love
To go the extra mile 

Lord help me!
I know there's rules to keep
But help me make loving others 
Number one on my agenda
Help me see the opportunities 
I have today to truly

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Every word I speak
is an adulteration of

Every line of poetry
I write
is a tainting of

Like an artist
obliterates a sunset on the canvass

Like a singer
fractures the peace with her voice

Like an electric guitarist
pierces Tranquility with his notes

Silence is the most beautiful
work of art
in the Universe

Silence is what the poet
is aiming for

Silence is the goal of the artist,
using the full palate
and all the brush strokes
to lead one to silent reverence

Silence is the goal of the singer,
to sing a song that
creates so much tension that
one relishes the silence

Silence is the goal of the guitarist,
creating such ear-piercing noise
that the silence becomes more
of a gift than it was before

Silence is the goal of the preacher,
to exhaust the words
of the Text
and then leave all in the gift of

To contemplate the mysteries
of God

Thursday, April 2, 2015

ready or not, here i come!

and the Holy Drama begins
am i ready?
no, of course not
was peter ready . . . nah
was john ready . . . nah
was judas ready . . . nope

it seems i’m never ready
for the high, holy days
but then, is anyone?

isn’t that the whole point?
that we’re not ready?
that Jesus IS

raise the curtain
and let the
Holy Drama
begin . . .

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

We wish to see Jesus

"We wish to see Jesus"
Said the Greeks
Strange that a Greek 
Would want to see Jesus
With their philosophy
And collection of gods
With their rationalism
And mathematics 

What were they hoping to see?
What were they lacking
In their world,
In their souls
That made them want to see
This humble carpenter
Who ministered in Galilee

Do you wish to see
Jesus too?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


your law,
my delight
your law,
etched upon my soul
inscribed on my being
infused in my essence
encircling my existence
puncturing my apathy
directing my steps
pluming my walls
your law,
my delight

Monday, March 16, 2015


create in me a clean heart . . .


what does it mean to have a clean heart?
how far is that from . . . “here?”

is it like taking a bath
or like growing a tree?

is it painful
or enjoyable?

does it cost anything
or is it free?

i’m not sure how
o lord,

only show mercy
or i will sleep the sleep

of death

clean me

Friday, March 13, 2015


sing my young child!
arch your back
and fill your lungs
with as much life and energy
as they will hold
take in
even more

and then sing!
sing with all your might!
let your youthful spunk
come through!

the joy!
the angst!
the heartache!

the power
the pain
the hope

the nervous energy
the love
the fear
the . . .


walk out on that stage and
grab that mic and

sing, my little one
with all your might!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

mumbling, grumbling

mumbling, grumbling
whining, complaining


confess, share
the burden

not the weather
or the what the cashier did wrong

but what’s really deep
confess it, share it
bear it

to the Other

only then

only then

will you get past

mumbling, grumbling

or not, the choice



Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Your law

"The laws of the Lord are true
Each one is fair
They are more desirable 
Than gold,
Even the finest gold"

Your law is gold
It is diamonds
It is pearls
It is the finest stone

It is more precious 
Than rubies 
Or emeralds
Or pure silver

Your law
Guides my soul
It puts order
In a world of
Moral chaos

It gives boundaries
Against the wilderness
With its ferocious beasts
And unrelenting storms

It is a beacon 
In the midst of 
A dark stormy sea

It is all I could ever hope 
To learn
It is the very heart of theology

It is the compass 
Of my life
It is the guard rail
Of my heart

I delight in your law
O Lord
I think on it 
All the time
Day and night

Guard your law
In my heart
Keep it on my mind
That I may celebrate 
Your goodness
And grace
That I may 
Abound in your joy

That I may 
Find the narrow path
That leads to life
Eternal and abundant

Your law is perfection

Friday, February 27, 2015



Somehow my life 
Is more because of
The promises I've made

What are we?
Just floaters
Floating through this world
With no connection

What are we?
Just wild animals
Wandering to and fro
Looking for the next dead carcass
To feed on

Our vows
Our promises 
Make us who we are

They connect us to
The other
In a safe space


They make us 
Who we are

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

what is faith?

Or response

What you do
Or what you are

Can I strengthen faith
Or is it just what it is

Mustard seeds

Moving mountains
And chosen from before the foundations of the world

Maybe faith
Is both

And response

Gift first
And then response

But always back to

Saturday, February 21, 2015

for my brother

For my brother
Labor done
People loved
Work finished

The emerald green
Shiny coast
Calls your name
The shining city 
On a hill 

Darkness is done 
All is light
Feast begun
Fast over

In the arms


Farewell my brother
Until we meet again

Thursday, February 12, 2015

stones and things

Let the one who has never sinned
Cast the first stone

Am I sometimes 
The one 
Who casts the first stone of judgment?

Lord forgive!

Am I sometimes 
The one 
Who considers another "weird"
If they're not like me?

Lord forgive!

Am I sometimes 
The one
Who condemns
Even when I don't know the details
Of another one's journey?

Lord forgive!

Am I sometimes 
The one 
Who has unrealistic expectations of others
Expecting a kind of perfection 
That I know I'm not capable of?

Lord forgive!

Help me to see 
With your eyes
To understand with your heart

Help me remember 
That I've got too many faults
Of my own
To worry about someone else's 

Lord forgive!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Love is from God

"Love is from God"

It's not a human invention
It's not just a feeling
That comes and goes

Love is from God

That means it is 

That means it is

That means it is

If love is from God
Then divinity surrounds us
When we love 
Divinity infuses us 
When we love
Divinity is in us

So the only failure in love
Is when we turn from divinity
To selfishness
Which is not truly us

"I know who you really are"
Says love
And it is divine

Love is from God 

Saturday, February 7, 2015


"How good it is to sing praises to God"

To be thankful
Full of thanks

You know humans
Love to be thanked

In fact they say
UnAppreciation is the 
Unforgivable sin

Does God feel the same?
Does God wonder 

When we gripe and complain?

Does it blow God's mind
When we are discontent?

O Lord of grace and bounty,
Help me celebrate you
And all your benefits this day!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


The Word of the Lord,
O prophet!
Speak so we can hear

For we are lost
The Word
We need the 



So, speak
The Word of the Lord,
O prophet!
Speak so we can hear

Friday, January 16, 2015

Follow me

Follow me

It begins with such 
A simple invitation

Follow me

But oh,
How life altering!
Shattering the routine
Obliterating complacency
Decimating the status quo
Destroying the dead end life
And giving us . . . 

A destination
A place
A time
A relationship
With The One

Follow me

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


"The voice of the Lord
Is over the waters"

What was there 
At the moment of creation?

Was there some kind of
Primordial soup?

Did you need 
Building blocks to start with?

Did you need
Dirt and stars?

You are all sufficiency
You are all you need
The universe comes from you
Not the other way around

You did not need creation
You simply spoke
And it was

"Such knowledge is too wonderful for me!
It is so high I cannot attain it!"

All I can say is
Glory to the Father
And glory to the Son
Glory to the Spirit
Who is The Three in One