Friday, August 29, 2014

Evil and good

"Do not be overcome 
By evil, but overcome evil
With good"

I witnessed a fight yesterday
At a restaurant
Oh, it wasn't a fist fight
Just a verbal one
But it was ugly
An argument about
The tea being bad
And I thought wow
All this fuss over tea?
No wonder they can't 
Get along in Jerusalem!

But "vengeance is mine
I will repay" says The Lord 
And "so far as it depends on you
Live at peace with everyone"

We love a good fight
We human creatures
Some of us are looking for one 
All the time

Of course overcoming evil 
With good is impossible
Without God
And Christian community
(The church)
Even then it's no cake walk

O Lord, this is one of your
Hardest commands
Help us pray enough
And love each other enough
And let your Spirit dwell in us enough
To live this peace
That you offer to us

In the name of the One 
Who brings peace

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The wound

Pull deeper into the wound
And you will be healed
Go deeper into the dark night 
And you will see the light
Dive deeper into the
Pain and sorrow of life
And you will find joy
Walk further into the dark valley 
And there you will meet the Messiah
Cause you don't find salvation
By putting on a brave face
But by laying your brokenness 
At the feet of Jesus

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


"You are the Messiah!"

 Jesus, I didn't even really know
I needed a Messiah
Until your Word dawned on me
I didn't really know 
That I needed saving
Until I hit the dark valley
I didn't even know 
That there was a new life
Until you crashed into 
My old one
Praise you for indeed
You are not just
The Messiah
You are my Messiah

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Your brother

"I am your brother" 
Joseph proclaimed

To a bunch of fratricidal maniacs
Of course they didn't really kill Joseph
They just excised him from the family

Though they broke connection
Though they divorced their brother
Joseph still claimed them as kin

My brothers and sisters 
Never sold me for a slave
But they've certainly failed me before

As I have failed them
Do I have the grace to still say
"I am your brother"

I sure hope so
Cause I'm counting on them
To do the same

This crazy group of siblings
Vying for favor from Dad
Vying for power and position

Even so, can we live together?
Are the walls big enough
In this house?

Is the love big enough
In the walls
Of our hearts?

I sure hope so,

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dream the dream


You imagined the whole universe 
With all it's intricacies
From the expanse of galaxies
To the fine geometric patterns
Of a spider's web

From massive red giants
To the beauty of a DNA strain
From Jupiter to the tiny ants 
crawling on my front porch 

How do you dream dreams 
Like that?
Teach me to listen
To the dreams you place in my heart

Monday, August 4, 2014


"He is mindful of his covenant forever
Of the word that he commanded 
For a thousand generations"

Who makes a promise 
That lasts forever?
Promises and contracts 
Are broken everyday
In this world
Brother betrays brother
Wife betrays husband
Husband betrays wife

God is not like a human
The Lord is not full of irony
And mixed motives
The Soverign does not
Blow with the wind
Yahweh is not moody and fickle

A thousand generations
His promise will last
(That means forever)

Have you ever known 
Love like that?