Tuesday, April 29, 2014


"Were not our hearts burning within us
When he opened the Scriptures to us?"

Lord I confess that I cannot make
Someone's heart burn
While I preach

But you can!
I have seen your Holy Spirit 
Work wonders 
Even with 20 minutes of humble preaching
Even in me!

So, burn Holy Spirit!
Burn through all the cynicism and pride
That tries to prevent 
Our transformation

Burn high even through the 
Humble stumbling 
Of this, your servant 

Friday, April 25, 2014


love falling asleep
To a baseball game on TV 
There's something profoundly comforting
About baseball
Its order, its geometry, its statistics
There's no in between in baseball
You're either safe or you're out
It's a ball or a strike
It's fair or it's foul
You're at bat or in the field
It's always 90 feet to first base
Of course what makes it 
Is the endless variety
How close to second
Does the shortstop play for 
This batter
Does the third baseman hug the line
Or give the line for this pitch
How far a lead will that runner take
This time
Where does the catcher 
Set up to sell this pitch
To a stingy umpire
But all this beauty couldn't exist
I hunger for this kind of order
Symmetry, absolutes, boundaries
Between the beautiful and the chaotic
I love falling asleep
To a baseball game on TV 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Peace be with you
The Master said
How can there be peace
In a world that crucifies love
How can there be peace
With so many battles 
To be fought
How can there be peace
With so many debates
And arguments and strife
How can there be peace
Where there is no justice
There is peace
Of gently gurgling stream
Of cooing baby
In your arms
Gentle breaths
Of sleeping puppy
Warmth of hug
Smile of a gentle soul
Quiet stillness of prayer time
Thank you 
For your peace

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Refuge (16)

Refuge.  Safe place.  Shelter from the storm.
Yet more
dwelling place
strong fortress
resting place
heaven on earth
purpose, reason, beauty, truth

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The gift

Dear Lord
One of the greatest gifts you have given
Is the gift of the earth
The powerfully mysterious ocean
With its terrifying depths
Teeming with life that looks more alien than terrestrial 
The towering trees
That house the colorful palate of birds
The dizzying heights of the purple mountains majesty
Looking down on all the earth
The wondrous desert with mountains of sand
And miraculous creatures that live in this desolate land
The frozen poles that expand forever
An ocean of snow and ice
The plains with blankets of grain flowing like ocean tides
The mighty river flowing from mountain to sea
The canyon carved from rock and cliff
The army of ants crawling on my lawn, 
Blind to everything but their work
The staggering beauty of a blooming dogwood
The brilliant geometry of a spider web
Yes even the rocks cry out "Glory!"

Monday, April 21, 2014


Do you serve a risen Lord
Or a dead savior?
You see anyone can die for others
People do it all the time 
But who can conquer
Sin and death
But the God Man?
Who can rise from the grave
Victorious over the 
Dark forces of wickedness
Not Harry Potter
Not Spider-Man 
Only Jesus
If Jesus had only died
Then he simply would have been
Another martyr
But oh, He is so much more
He is The Living Presence
Of the Almighty
He is the Risen Lord
He lives!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

In between

Honestly we live in 
The space in between
Sorrow and hope
Death and resurrection
Paradox and clarity
Night and day
Waiting and fulfillment
Friday and Sunday 
Yes I know
"Sunday's coming"
But Saturday is here
And I'm going to embrace the mystery
Of today
And turn to wonder
In the space in between 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Blessed, Broken, Given

At your table
You offered it all
Your whole self
Even to one who would betray
Even to thick headed disciples
Who didn't get you
Even to sleepy heads and deserters
You offered it all
How can I measure out what you gave?
How can the being of God be rationed?
Is it not my task to offer what you
Have freely given?
Is it not my calling to share
The Cup you have shared with me?
How could I judge my brother or sister
And say they are unworthy of the table?
All you ask is that I
Bless, Break, and Give
Offering freely the Grace which
Is nothing but Pure Gift
Offering freely the Grace which
Died on the Cross
And rose again,
Undefeated.  Undefiled.  Unlimited.
Bless this meal, O Lord
And all that partake of
Your Infinite Goodness this Night

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Sustainer of my life, I call out to you 
This fine morning at 6:22 am
I'm still tired from the work of yesterday
Not quite ready for today
And tomorrow isn't even on the radar
So I take a moment and breathe deep 
Of your rich Spirit
I take a moment and soak in your holiness
I take a moment to ponder your majesty
I take a moment to be still and know that you are God
At 6:22 am

Saturday, April 12, 2014


The only thing that's real
In this world 
Is love
Not money or power or fame
Money is numbers on a screen
Power is a corrupting force
Fame lasts 15 minutes
But love, that's real
When a mother feeds a baby at 3am
That's real
When a son keeps 
Visiting his mother though
She doesn't remember his name
That's real
When a stranger helps someone change a tire
That's real
When the church brings food after surgery or death
That's real
When a teacher stays up late to grade papers
That's real
When the sun rises in the morning
And the rain waters the earth 
That's real
When a traveling rabbi dies on a cross 
For the sins of the world
That's real

Thursday, April 10, 2014

July 17

Back there
Way back 
In the corners of my mind
Is the memory of the perfect day
I was probably about 
Nine years old
A lazy July day
I awoke early
Put on my best hiking shorts
The ones with all the zipper pockets 
 an old pair of chuck taylors 
And tranced out 
Into the yard soaked with 
Early morning dew
The hot July sun was burning the dew off so fast
That it was rising in 
Clouds of steam
Like grandmas boiling chicken pots
After a feast of sugar drenched cereal
I journeyed up the road to 
Ronny and Billy's
We disappeared in the woods for the rest of this 
Magical day like boys used to do
Catching crawdads
Like we got paid for it 
And tracing the creek farther than
Lewis and Clark
Eventually we tired of chasing creeks
The day grew long
And the sun wearied of burning so hot
We marched home like some kind of
Soldiers after armistice 
Filed into kitchen tables for 
Macaroni and cheese and fresh watermelon
Before I collapsed
I went out one more time and
Caught fireflies until my eyes started crossing
Because somehow I knew
That days like this one don't come around very often
In a lifetime 
The crickets sang me to sleep that night and 
The ole moon rose on 
The perfect day


This is the day
That The Lord has made
With all its 
With all its
Pain and
Yes, today!
In the broken, mangled pieces
You will find 
Grace glue sufficient for 
Your need
In the dark pit
You will find light
In the incomprehensible
You will hear
A soft yet constant
Peal of the trumpet
Gabriel's horn
Sounding forth
The rallying cry 
In the clang 
Of hammer against
Iron nails 
You will hear the miraculous
"Father, forgive them . . ."
This is the day
The sun still shines
The moon still glows
The water still flows
This is the day

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Who is this?" @2014 Michael D. Lancaster

Who is 
This man
Who disturbs our peace
Who rattles our cages
Who interprets God's Word
In a New Way
Who is 
This man
Who touches the 
Who dines with
Who calls 
To be disciples
Who is 
This man
Who dares enter
As King
Who is 
This man

Monday, April 7, 2014

"Rain" @2014 Michael D. Lancaster

The rain falls
On the freshly mowed lawn
It brings
Green, and Yellow, and Purple
It awakens 
The red tulips
As they rise
From a long winter's nap
The rain whispers to me
"Stop and
Breathe and
Give Thanks
To the Creator of
All Things"

"Noah" @2014 Michael D. Lancaster

Is this The End
Or a New Beginning?
Is there Something
Of the Image of God 
Left in us?
Is there Something left 
That can be 
Redeemed, Renewed, Remade?
Or is all lost and 
Broken beyond repair?
Is the seed spoiled?
Or is there hope 
For humanity?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

"You Are" @2014 Michael D. Lancaster

You are
The light of my sunrise
The sugar in my coffee
The spice in my curry
The colors of my sunset
The warmth of my soft blanket
The coolness of the morning
The exhilaration of a bike ride
The Appalachian ridgeline
The colors of autumn
The thrill of a cold pool
The ecstasy of Tchaikovsky
The closeness of a hug
The joy of deep winter sleep
The tartness of cheesecake
The rapture of Monet
The raucousness of Springsteen
The scent of lavender
The thrill of a roller coaster
The rush of a brand new idea
The peace of a quiet stroll through the woods
You are . . .
                      my everything. 

"Spring" @2014 Michael D. Lancaster

Is God's Glorioius
Eye Candy
For Souls
Weary of
Winter's Pale
Greys and Browns